Our Mission & Vision

  • Beliefs:

    • All students have a right to a clean, safe, challenging environment that promotes learning with high expectations of achievement and good character.
    • Every student should be provided with a variety of opportunities to demonstrate his/her achievements.
    • All students have worth, regardless of their academic achievements, and deserve to be treated with dignity and respect.
    • Students have the right to be recognized as unique individuals with different learning styles which should be addressed in order to achieve their maximum potential.
    • Students learn best when teachers, administrators, parents, and the community provide support and guidance in their educational activities.
    • Every student can learn and must be provided the opportunity to become a productive member of society.
    • Students are responsible for their behavior which, in turn, affects their own and other students' opportunity and right to learn.
    • Every student needs realistic goals to ensure lifelong learning.
    • Teachers, administrators, parents, and the community need to be open to positive, meaningful changes in order to provide a stimulating, disciplined learning environment that will enable every student to meet the challenges of the future.



    The Mission of Bragg Middle School is to prepare a responsible, educated student to adapt and be successful in future endeavors. We will accomplish this by providing a creative, meaningful curriculum implemented by an innovative, competent staff in a safe, orderly environment which is conducive to learning.