Academy of Law, Arts & Business (LAB)

  • Students in this academy will take a sequence of courses focused on advertising design, finance, information technology, Law and Public Safety, and Family and Consumer Science, and the Arts. Advertising design includes designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content. The Finance Career Cluster focuses on money management, including planning, investing, and spending. Students will also gain career development skills for the finance world and become skilled in various Microsoft programs via the Microsoft Academy. Information Technology engages students in hands-on learning to prepare for careers that create, use, modify, and engage technology skills. It also encompasses planning and managing in legal services, protective services, and homeland security. Students interested in the Family and Consumer Science Pathway will have the opportunity to pursue careers in nutrition, wellness, and health and disease prevention. Also, students in this academy will take a sequence of courses focused on band, theater, or visual arts. Those who choose this pathway should have a deep passion for the Arts and a desire to perform in front of mixed audiences and/or be willing to display their work.

    Pathways within this academy are:

    • Advertising Design
      • Intro to Ad Design
      • Digital Design
      • Graphic Illustration
      • Studio Portfolio Senior Career Pathway Project

    • Business
      • Business Technology Applications
      • Advanced Business Technology Applications
      • Co-Op – Sem 1 (See Mrs. Lankford for approval)
      • Co-Op –Sem 2 (See Mrs. Lankford for approval)

    • Family & Consumer Sciences
      • FACS
      • Food Nutrition
      • Dietetics
      • Fashion

    • Finance
      • Business Technology Applications
      • Principles of Accounting 
      • Financial Planning
      • Entrepreneurship
      • Advanced Business Technology Applications (optional course)

    • Information Technology
      • IT Fundamentals
      • IT Support Services
      • Exploring Computer Science (Only offered 1st period-T.E.A.L. mandate)
      • AP Computer Science Principles

    • Performing Arts
      • Visual Art
        • Art Appreciation
        • Art I
        • Art II
        • Art III
        • 2D Art
        • 3D ART
      • Band (Please list band 2X on Sheet)
        • Jazz Band * (year-long)
        • Marching Level I
        • Marching Level II
        • Marching Level III
        • Marching Level IV
        • Inst I
        • Inst II
        • Inst III
        • Inst IV
        • Color Guard
        • Dance
      • Theatre
        • Theatre I
        • Theatre II
        • Theatre III
        • Theatre IV
        • Theatre Design/Tech
        • Theatre Elective
      • Choir
        • Vocal Level I
        • Vocal Level II

    • Public Safety
      • Principles of Public Service
      • Police Patrol 
      • Forensic and Crime Investigation
      • Senior Career Project